cosmologyعلوم الكون

مدونة عن #الكون والفضاء ومعلومات #الكواكب و #المجرات #النجوم ببساطه وشرح النظريات العلميه والظواهر الكونيه وعلاقتها بحياتنا على كوكب الارض


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God as Seen by Physics

God as Seen by Physics

God as Seen by Physics

 How does this universe work?

The universe is full of wonders, miracles, and signs of power, which makes me logically accept that there are curtains that our material and inept sciences cannot handle.

🔹️ We and the universe are in front of the curtains like puppets, and in the background there is a creative, supernatural force, not explained naturally or physically. to her.

And whenever the Creator creates something supernatural that is not subject to a material law or rational explanation, humans try to resort to science and do not find an explanation.

🤔 This deep universe and what is behind the curtain hidden from us at this stage is a mysterious mystery and greater than the capabilities of human minds that we know are limited in relation to this huge amount of mystery, accuracy and tight order in the bodies and design of the universe and what is in it

Rational logic confirms the existence of a creator of the universe

🔹️ I will continue to accept the reasoning that in the background there is a God beyond the constraints of time and space working on the formation of small particles (atoms), and humans have no idea how this is done physically, however, he is stacking them until they become an individual, a sky, or a stone planet, moon

🤔 He orders them through strict laws to do whatever he wants.

We watch and understand the evolution of the big things that are obvious to us as human beings as he intervenes in the minute moments, small and imperceptible to us, and that is the mystery.

Moreover, he who has control over the atoms and the precision of the moment, runs the universe. There, He does everything, with the word Be, and He exists before His creatures and after their annihilation

🔺️In religions, God has a concept and meaning more than a being with features, known by His Names, Attributes, and Actions, and nothing more.

 He replied: “Al-Istiwa is known, the quality is not reasonable, belief in it is obligatory, and asking about it is an innovation.”

Soul and matter

🔹️ It cannot be denied that we are composed of a natural, real physical body that is subject to the laws of existence from time, place and spirit within it.

 🤔 (the soul) .... something completely mysterious and we have received little information about it; Something puzzling to science in light of the fact that it is from God, who cannot be subjected to physical sciences and physics.

We will know everything when the soul is freed from the body


We are freed from the physical restrictions of a time or place and we go to another world and a different dimension and then we can know a lot..

👈 And then can we know what God is?

 🔺️ that the curtain that separates us from it, is the laws of time and space that govern and limit our world, time for him is equal to zero, he does all things at one time, does not need time. And for him, the past happens with the present and the future, like a video tape. Life is trapped inside it, but it comes out to display gradually, so he is able to change the past and knows the future.

Is there a relationship between God and temporal black holes?

Of course, the Creator does not need to travel to know what is going on. He fills all places at every moment, penetrating our world.

At the same time, it is separated from its laws, so do not restrict it or hinder its work

Einstein says:

 “All my life I have been trying to meet God while He works.” Of course, he means by this the discovery of the universal working laws of the universe that the Creator broadcasted to run the universe, not actually confronting the Creator

What are the building blocks of the universe?

The atomic molecule is the small particles that make up the world, matter, the universe, things, seats, clothes, everything around you and even you; The human.

Moreover, when our souls leave the universe, our particles scatter and move to disintegrate and return to the earth in its primal form, as a component of other beings that could be a leaf, another living person, or even a drop of dew.

🔹️ Your atoms that make up your current body basically last, permanently and continuously, and no one really knows how long those atoms can live in this renewed cycle of life and death.

🤔 Those atoms are supposed to last, according to the research of Martin Rees, the English cosmologist and astrophysicist, from 10 to the exponent of 35 years, which is a very terrifying number that is almost eternal from the perspective of humans.

🔹️ So atoms have a long life and do not die, or in the words of physics they do not perish, so God does not have to make such molecules that are countless other times and repeated

🤔 From the beginning, God created many particles and atoms, and He, Glory be to Him, is currently reusing them again with the possibility of creating the same with the word (Be) as before.

What if the universe was a single atom moving in time and space?

The creative scientist "John Wheeler", the American physicist, replied in a call with his colleague Fayman: "All electrons in the universe appear with similar charge and similar mass because in fact one electron is pushed forward and in reverse of time."

 In his famous double slit experiment

A single electron can exit from both slits at the same time. It can be in more than one spot at a time

This experiment shows that the matter is more simple, the universe is one atom, with which God builds everything without time!!

🔹️ We have unequivocally agreed that God Almighty does not apply to Him the laws of time, because He is simply the One who created this time.

🔺️ Who wonders: “How does God move such innumerable things in the universe with all their precision?

 The physical answer is simple: one molecule makes everything, and one atom really makes everything!

The question now:

Is this atom something real and material in the beginning?

Is this universe that we see really material?

Or are we all living inside an enormous dream, and therefore life and matter are meditations that revolve only on us?

🤔 And therefore in that perception, God does not have to make everything in this universe of a material nature, he only controls what goes on in our brains and in this way he runs the universe....maybe

🤔 One evening, the French zoologist Yves Delage woke up to a knock on his door in the entrance, and the doorman was shouting at him to wake up because they were asking for him because of the illness of his companion.

 Dilag got up from his bed, got dressed, and ran to the bathroom to clean his face with a wet tissue. The water woke him fresh and cold, and in fact he was lying on his bed all the time in his night gown, and there was no one knocking on the door.

At the entrance, the whole experience was a dream in his sleep!

🔹️A few moments later, another bang was heard at the entrance

And the guard said, "Sir, won't you come?

He replied, "Wow! So, at that point, it was really clear. I assumed I was dreaming

The guard replied, “No, they are asking for you, sir.”

 Delage got up, got dressed, and ran to the bathroom to clean. When the handkerchief touches his face, wake up!

 He found himself in his night gown in bed.

Another bang was heard at the entrance

 And again the guard was saying: Sir!

🔹️Delage experienced his 'pseudo-arousal' he triggered in his thought process this was the current reality, only to find that this was also a fantasy.


Furthermore, when he rose again, he found that he was still in a fantasy that he had not yet moved on. How can we be certain that the waking experience we had this morning before we got up was a real thrill? How do you have any idea you didn't wake up inside another dream!!

And it is in this state a fantasy and a bigger dream that integrates all the events that you are going through now and that after a short period of time you will wake up in the future in a waking state, or perhaps in another dream?

Are we living in a dream?

So what if we live inside a false dream or a simulation?

 What if life is just a big dream from which we wake up with death?

 In this strange imaginary state, God does not need to create everything around us, but only then visualizes the events and ideas inside our minds to build our perception of what is around us!


Then he is also not a material thing, because there is absolutely nothing material in this conception!

God Almighty asks Satan and says:

What prevented you from prostrating to what I created with my hands?

🔹️So there is an individual and a material human being made by God

 Let's pause here

👈 Man also made computer programs and artificial intelligence and those programs are intangible or immaterial, yet they are already among us and do many things in our lives despite the fact that we cannot touch them.

 Glory be to Him, He is able to create the atom and the laws it contains, and thus He created the entire universe and controls it

عن الكاتب

saeed فى هذا العصر المعلوماتى القيمة الاعلى للمعرفة ,الحضارة تقيم بحسب عدد العلماء المشاركين فى نهضة المجتمع والمساهمين فى بناء كافة مجالات الحياة من تعليم وثقافة واسلوب حياة وغيرها من اسباب التقدم والتطور التى


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cosmologyعلوم الكون